Drinking Hot Water vs Cold Water: Which One Is Better?

Water is undoubtedly a fundamental necessity in our daily lives. Besides keeping ourselves hydrated, is there an additional benefit to choosing the best water temperature to drink?

Are there health advantages to consuming hot water? Should we avoid drinking cold water because we were told it’s bad while growing up?

To find out which water temperature is best to drink, let’s take a deep dive into it.

Drinking Hot Water vs Cold Water: Which One Is Better?

Water is undoubtedly a fundamental necessity in our daily lives. Besides keeping ourselves hydrated, is there an additional benefit to choosing the best water temperature to drink?

Are there health advantages to consuming hot water? Should we avoid drinking cold water because we were told it’s bad while growing up?

To find out which water temperature is best to drink, let’s take a deep dive into it.

What Is Considered Hot, Cold and Room Temperature Water?

Some people react to the same temperature differently based on age, gender, body size, body fat and certain medical conditions.

According to gastroenterologist Dr Brian Weiner, a pitcher of ice water from the fridge typically measures around 5°C. Room temperature water hovers around 25.55°C. As for hot beverages, the optimal temperature is between 54°C and 71°C. Temperatures beyond this point may result in burns or scalds.

So, Which Water Temperature is the Best to Drink?

The benefit of drinking hot, cold or room temperature water depends on what you personally like, how you’re feeling and what you’re hoping to get out of it.

Benefits of Drinking Room Temperature Water

Individuals who struggle with swallowing cold water may find drinking room temperature water to be more comfortable. For example, those with sensitive throats are less likely to experience discomfort when drinking water at room temperature. It could also provide a gentler experience for the digestive system and enhance hydration, given that the body absorbs it more rapidly. It is believed that drinking room temperature water can aid digestion after meals.

Benefits of Drinking Cold Water

Most of us would find drinking cold water more appealing and refreshing compared to hot or room temperature water, especially on a sunny day or after a workout.

When exercising, our bodies sweat as they try to return to their optimal temperature. We need to replenish the fluid lost from sweating to avoid dehydration. Drinking chilled water can assist in lowering body temperature and contribute to post-exercise recovery. It may also provide a swift mental boost and increased alertness, particularly during moments of fatigue.

In fact, a research study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition showed that physically fit males who drank cold water while exercising experienced a notable reduction in the increase of core body temperature. As a result, they showed improved performance compared to those who consumed warm water.

Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

Got a stuffy nose? One remedy to clear blocked nasal passages is to drink hot (non-scalding) herbal teas, which can contribute to adequate hydration as well as provide enough steam to help clear nasal congestion and sinuses. Alternatively, you can breathe in steam as you shower or fill a bowl of hot (not boiling!) water and lean over it. Steam helps to thin mucus and provides relief to irritated nasal passages.

What Is Considered Hot, Cold and Room Temperature Water?

Some people react to the same temperature differently based on age, gender, body size, body fat and certain medical conditions.

According to gastroenterologist Dr Brian Weiner, a pitcher of ice water from the fridge typically measures around 5°C. Room temperature water hovers around 25.55°C. As for hot beverages, the optimal temperature is between 54°C and 71°C. Temperatures beyond this point may result in burns or scalds.

So, Which Water Temperature is the Best to Drink?

The benefit of drinking hot, cold or room temperature water depends on what you personally like, how you’re feeling and what you’re hoping to get out of it.

Benefits of Drinking Room Temperature Water

Individuals who struggle with swallowing cold water may find drinking room temperature water to be more comfortable. For example, those with sensitive throats are less likely to experience discomfort when drinking water at room temperature. It could also provide a gentler experience for the digestive system and enhance hydration, given that the body absorbs it more rapidly. It is believed that drinking room temperature water can aid digestion after meals.

Benefits of Drinking Cold Water

Most of us would find drinking cold water more appealing and refreshing compared to hot or room temperature water, especially on a sunny day or after a workout.

When exercising, our bodies sweat as they try to return to their optimal temperature. We need to replenish the fluid lost from sweating to avoid dehydration. Drinking chilled water can assist in lowering body temperature and contribute to post-exercise recovery. It may also provide a swift mental boost and increased alertness, particularly during moments of fatigue.

In fact, a research study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition showed that physically fit males who drank cold water while exercising experienced a notable reduction in the increase of core body temperature. As a result, they showed improved performance compared to those who consumed warm water.

Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

Got a stuffy nose? One remedy to clear blocked nasal passages is to drink hot (non-scalding) herbal teas, which can contribute to adequate hydration as well as provide enough steam to help clear nasal congestion and sinuses. Alternatively, you can breathe in steam as you shower or fill a bowl of hot (not boiling!) water and lean over it. Steam helps to thin mucus and provides relief to irritated nasal passages.

Staying Hydrated is the Key Factor for Your Health

Whether we drink it hot, cold or at room temperature, keeping ourselves adequately hydrated is crucial to helping our bodies run optimally. Listen to your body and choose the temperature that makes you feel comfortable and revitalised.

Our CUCKOO GRANDE water purifier stands out as a highly convenient hydration solution for any desired temperature and amount. Ranging from 5°C to as hot as 100°C, the CUCKOO GRANDE is the first tank model to offer 100°C water, allowing you to have cold, room temperature, warm, hot and extra hot options in seconds! It also features hot water faucet sterilisation which sterilises the faucet with 100°C water, removing 99.9% of bacteria.

Stay hydrated effortlessly with the CUCKOO GRANDE water purifier — the ultra-versatile solution for convenient and customisable hydration, available for purchase or rental for as low as RM115 per month. Additionally, we provide outstanding servicing for all CUCKOO water purifiers based on a systematic water filter replacement and cleaning schedule.

Make your perfectly-tempered beverage every time with our one and only GRANDE today.

Staying Hydrated is the Key Factor for Your Health

Whether we drink it hot, cold or at room temperature, keeping ourselves adequately hydrated is crucial to helping our bodies run optimally. Listen to your body and choose the temperature that makes you feel comfortable and revitalised.

Our CUCKOO GRANDE water purifier stands out as a highly convenient hydration solution for any desired temperature and amount. Ranging from 5°C to as hot as 100°C, the CUCKOO GRANDE is the first tank model to offer 100°C water, allowing you to have cold, room temperature, warm, hot and extra hot options in seconds! It also features hot water faucet sterilisation which sterilises the faucet with 100°C water, removing 99.9% of bacteria.

Stay hydrated effortlessly with the CUCKOO GRANDE water purifier — the ultra-versatile solution for convenient and customisable hydration, available for purchase or rental for as low as RM115 per month. Additionally, we provide outstanding servicing for all CUCKOO water purifiers based on a systematic water filter replacement and cleaning schedule.

Make your perfectly-tempered beverage every time with our one and only GRANDE today.