Titled ‘SAMA SAMA Sehati’, The Video Calls For Malaysians
To Stay Calm, United And Strong In Fight Against COVID-19

Kuala Lumpur, 23 March 2020 –As efforts to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus intensifies, Healthy Home Creator, CUCKOO International (MAL) Sdn Bhd (CUCKOO), lends moral support to all frontline workers working around the clock through its newly released ‘SAMA SAMA Sehati’ music video.

The song was sung by Malaysia’s very own Queen of Pop and CUCKOO’s ambassador, Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza, via a phone. While footages for music video was recorded within a day before the enforcement of the Movement Control Order (MCO) starting March 18, 2020. Despite limitations, CUCKOO and Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza managed to put together the music video within a week.

“As the Nation and the world fight against the COVID-19 virus, we want to lend the little support we have, to those working relentlessly to ensure a better and brighter tomorrow for all. We hope the music video could bring peace and be a source of strength to our frontline workers during this
difficult time. Our hearts go out to all serving the Nation, from the medical personnel to police, army, grocers, food and delivery providers,” says CUCKOO founder and CEO, Mr Hoe Kian Choon.

The release of the music video is part of a larger awareness and educational campaign, CUCKOO Cares, which has been sharing tips to Malaysians on how to care and protect themselves during the COVID-19 virus outbreak. The campaign will continue as the efforts to stop the spread of the virus

“We urge all Malaysians to listen to Government’s advises and stay home. Take this time to reconnect with your families or rediscover your life goals and purpose. Let us all, #SAMASAMA stay calm, be responsible and do our part to ensure a better tomorrow for our children, family, friends
and Nation. To our frontline workers, thank you. We are deeply grateful for your service to the Nation,” said Mr Hoe.

The music video is available at CUCKOO official Facebook page (@CUCKOOInternational) or via the following link:

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